本牧山頂公園 横浜トラベルブログ 2020 🇯🇵

✅ Yamashita Park(山下公園)

It’s a public park that stretches about 750 meters along Yokohama’s waterfront. The park is about a hundred meters wide and consists mostly of open green space. It was constructed after the Great Kanto Earthquake of 1923.


✅ Yamate Helen Memorial Church(山手ヘレン記念教会)

It’s Rose Hotel Yokohama’s offsite chapel used for wedding ceremonies. It is surrounded by nature in the Yamate area.

ローズホテル横浜が所有する教会で、結婚式にも利用されます。 教会は、山手エリアの自然に囲まれています。

✅ Honmoku Sancho Park(本牧山頂公園)

It’s comprised of several connecting hilltops with a plethora of trees. The main attraction is extremely old and gnarled rows of cherry trees.


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